Welcome Fellow Wanderer!

I’m Melissa. I am deeply enamored with playing outside, exploring new places near and far, and storytelling. This is how Life is Wander-full came to be! A place where all of my great loves could come together.

Although I grew up camping, I didn’t really embrace the outdoors or travel until my mid to late-20s. There was always way too much going on with work, school and relationships. I just didn’t see how it could work. Whenever I saw others doing adventurous things, I always just assumed that they had something I didn’t. But…better late than never, I finally learned that is NOT the truth. I only had to make it happen once, to realize it is totally possible to make adventure a part of your life. As humans we are made for it!

I understand that long distance travel is not always accessible to everyone. Personally, I’m not in a position to be taking multiple abroad trips a year or able to go out camping every single weekend. Although that would be great, I do love my husband, the home we’ve created together and my cats. So, balance is necessary in my life. I am not the blogger that will have a new travel destination to report on each week, or long backpacking trips to report constantly. But, I will have budget-friendly travel stories, weekend road trip ideas, and hikes that are local to me and hopefully offer help on how to find some near you! I’m your average nature loving lady with a job and life at home that I plan to maintain, but I also absolutely love finding ways to explore the outdoors and travel the world when possible. I want to share my journey with the hopes that someone else out there may feel inspired to do the same and realize it is possible! 

My Favorite Quote!

“Fill your life with experiences, not things. Have stories to tell not stuff to show.”


Random Facts About Me

Favorite TV Show

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

Favorite Drink

Chai Latte

Favorite Food


Favorite Book

Anne of Green Gables

US Destination(s) Currently at the top of my Bucket List.

Grand Teton National Park & Salem, Massachusetts

Abroad Destination(s) currently at the top of my Bucket List.

Japan & Indonesia